Careers at Aluma

We take great care and pride in finding and selecting the most qualified people available to join our team. We recognize that only the most creative and competent professionals will provide us with the expertise and resources we need to reach our goals.

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If there are no vacancies for you at the moment but you think you are the right person for our team, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch with us.

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Join the Aluma team

If you are passionate about innovation, love a challenge and aspire to have an impact on the world, then we might be right for you.

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We thrive on innovation

We recognize the power of innovation in everything we do, which is why we take a holistic approach rooted in research and development, open innovation, entrepreneurship and technical innovation.

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We provide a great working environment

We work hard at keeping employees happy and productive. This requires frequent and open communication, regular recognition of achievements, and constructive feedback.

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We do interesting work

Meaningful work is something we all want and we all strive for at Aluma. Everyone becomes more productive when work is productive, fun and meaningful.

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We insist on collaboration

We insist on collaboration, even at times when it seems it might be quicker and easier to go it alone. Value and success comes when the “whole” is a lot bigger than the sum of its parts.

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We solve real world problems

It’s easy to get excited about the possibilities of technology. But at Aluma we’re about more than that, we’re about making a difference, solving problems, and bringing value to everything we do.

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We are flexible and diverse

Today’s business world is global and virtual. We offer the flexibility to work from home and believe that the best results come from talented people with wide capabilities and diverse points of view.


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